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What to know about Taxes

Work related taxes (W2 and W4) 

  • A W-2 tax form shows all of the important facts about the money you've earned from your employer, it also includes the money withheld from your paycheck, and the benefits given and info about the whole year that you have been working for.


  • A W-4 tax form is much more simpler than a W-2 tax form. Where a W-2 tax form tells you all about the year that you have worked for, and tells you all of the money you have earned from your job. Meanwhile, a W-4 tax form is mainly used to inform how much of your paycheck your employer should withhold from your paycheck due to federal income tax.


Education related taxes

  • College is a really big deal when it comes to education, and with it, many types of taxes will follow suit. Tuition fees are used to pay to enter essential parts of college: seminars, lectures, and tutorials for students attending the college. Tuition fees are important when relating to taxes because they can used to lower taxes that are required to be paid for. Taxes that are also applied to any textbooks or books that are needed for a college course are also thought of as the books will heavily affect your college grades if you don’t have them. College scholarships are similar to tuition fees in that they help you pay for entering college. Scholarships are also not tax deductible either.


How to do taxes + tax apps/websites

  • There are multiple ways to do taxes. Before, taxes had to be done via pen and paper. But now, there are many ways to do it online. Such as using the website Turbotax and H&R block can help to teach you how t0 file taxes online. With paper and pen, you would have had to send it in an envelope into a mailbox. But with online websites being very easy to access, it isn’t that hard to send your filed taxes to wherever it needs to be.

Video to watch

Tax Quiz

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